Acasă Daily News How you can kill a 100% Romanian brand. The owner of Lactate...

How you can kill a 100% Romanian brand. The owner of Lactate Brădet, provides explanations in the babies infection case


The owner of the dairy products processing company Brădet of Arges, Marius Badea, was the guest of Mihai Gâdea Wednesday on the „Daily Summary”.

The O26 E. coli bacteria that has caused the falling ill of the babies in Arges, was discovered in dairy products from the company „Dairy Brădet” in Curtea de Arges, according to Agriculture Minister, Achim Irimescu, who admitted that there was a causal link between the cheese and the sick babies.

„These products, are part of me. They’re made with love and sacrifice. I’m not convinced that they have hurt anyone. For 15 years we have been on the market, checks were made, tests were made. At this moment we only have that test and that test result, in which we were told that E. coli was detected. It is a partial result. I have no explanation. I opened the factory in front of the cameras, there is nothing that cause this contamination. Many products did not come into contact with man. I am looking forward with excitement to see the future test results „said Marius Badea.

The factory owner does not believe that the company he leads is the subject of a conspiracy designed to discredit it.

„In 2008, the factory caught fire. Now this is happening, but I do not think there is anyone responsible. We are not so big as to disturb, this is what we believe. We do our job there, we try to make the best possible products”
„One of the employees had problems with her child, she was in Bucharest. She asked us to send her fresh cheese, she was unharmed. I was told that there could not be children with immunity, „said Marius Badea.

Mihai Gâdea, along with his guests have all eaten Brădet products to demonstrate that the dairy products from Arges are fine.
„We have loans at the banks, we have accessed European funds, we are implementing the project. The banks were considered, they called us, they were polite. I’ve said everything I have said with all responsibility. Negative advertising … the fire did not destroy as much as this statement has. I have never been late in paying wages, I have never been late in paying taxes to the state, not even by one day. Now I think the damages are quite high, „said Bradet Dairy owner.

The Foods Safety director, Dănuţ Lupu, stated that the chees with E. coli produced by Lactate Brădet, discovered Monday, could not have been the cause of the uremic hemolytic syndrome affection in the babies.