Acasă Daily News How much do Romanian women spend on beauty products?

How much do Romanian women spend on beauty products?


Romanian women buy new cosmetics once every three months, and spend an average of RON 500 (some EUR 112) on such products, according to fashion and beauty retailer SOLE Luxury Boutique.

“If 5-7 years ago women were buying as many beauty products as they could, lately, due to the large variety of brands and cosmetics available in the market, the clients started pay more attention to the products they need and reduce the number for quality,” Angela Tiboc, manager of SOLE’s fashion & lifestyle division.

According to an analysis conducted by SOLE, Romanian women usually buy foundation cream, lipstick, and eye products (especially mascara). They spend most of the money on foundation cream (nearly 25% of the allocated amount), as well as on lipstick, and eye products.

Besides these three products, women also buy powders and moisturizing and anti-aging skin care products.