Acasă Romanian Fashion Elena Perseil – Collection

Elena Perseil – Collection


In 1993, while she was a student at the Academy of Art and only twenty years of age, she opened her own workshop in Bucharest. In 1996, she obtained the first prize of “young fashion designer of the year” from the Kent Institute of London. She dressed stars and personalities: her work appeared in the local press: Elle, Cosmopolitan, The One, Marie Claire. She obtained a diploma from d’ESMOND. She continued her career in Paris, freelancing for several houses, she traveled to India, worked in silk and studied hand made embroidery.

elena perseil collectionIn September 2006 she presented her collection in Paris at the Pret a Porter fair and in October 2006 in the showroom ZIP ZONE MONTAIGNE. In January 2007 she lanced her own shoe line, which was successful in the Pret a Porter fair. The success has been extremely quick: she is currently distributing to Osaka, Tokyo, New York, Athene,Bruxelles, Riyadh, Kuweit, Lebanon and Paris.