Acasă Politics Iohannis: Romania agrees with migrant measures, provided European legislation, voluntary resettlement are...

Iohannis: Romania agrees with migrant measures, provided European legislation, voluntary resettlement are respected


President Klaus Iohannis said Thursday, before leaving for Brussels, that Romania agrees with the measures to be discussed by the European Council about Turkey in an attempt to stave off migrant flows.

He added that the European Council meeting will discuss additional proposals that will come to the support of Turkey and the EU in the case of migrants.

„These requests will certainly be discussed quite intensely. Romania is supporting these measures and we believe Turkey should be helped to play the part it has undertaken to stave off the migration flow, particularly to Greece,” said Iohannis.

He added that the measures for Turkey were unveiled one week previously at another summit meeting in Brussels and they regard ways to send migrants back to Turkey and bring them to EU countries in a better controlled process.

„In order to carry out its duties, Turkey has requested an increase in financial assistance from the EU, which will also be discussed. Romania agrees with the measures, provided that the relevant European legislation is respected as well as, and we have to say it twice, the voluntary character of resettlement, which means taking over migrants from Turkey and relocating them to EU member states,” said Iohannis.

He said these matters will lead to discussions at the European Council meeting, because there is a mechanism approved last year by the Justice and Home Affairs Council. „The mechanism will be partially applied, apparently, also to bring migrants from Turkey to EU member states. All details are not yet clear to me, and that is why I do not want to dwell on that, but I wanted you to understand what the problems are that will be more intensely discussed than others,” added Iohannis.
